Thursday, October 31, 2019

Should prisoners be given the right to vote in UK Essay

Should prisoners be given the right to vote in UK - Essay Example Having the status prisoner on an individual’s bio does not help their chances of integrating into the community and tends to lock them out of most of the privileges that are enjoyed by the rest of the society. At the moment this also includes voting opportunities that are available to others as that privilege is revoked by the government (Lynch, 2007). However, the question remains of whether this is an ethically acceptable arrangement or is change needed in this department in the long run to improve the democratic movement that is supported by a large majority of people. In order to study this question and come up with an acceptable response it is important for one to look at all the perspectives that views that are involved when it comes to the issue of allowing prisoners to vote. Other aspects of the subject that should be studied include the various parties that are involved in the making of this decision as well as those that are affected by it. These include the legislators and (depending on various factors, such as whether a referendum is held on the matter) at times the public opinion on the side of those involved in forming of the concerned laws and the prisoners as well as society on the side of those who will be affected by the decision made (Harel, 2008). This is essential as making a right decision depends on knowing all the factors involved as well as the potential impact that certain decisions will have in the long run. It should be noted that the voting process is part of the democratic setup that was developed to ensure the presence of fairness and equality to all citizens (Ross, 2011). As afore mentioned, taking a closer look at the main groups that are involved and affected by the final decision on whether prisoners should be allowed to vote will allow one to come up with a more overall view of the situation and various circumstances involved. They include: These are the main group of people that are

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mastering Mathematical Facts Essay Example for Free

Mastering Mathematical Facts Essay The basis for success in elementary mathematics is mastering basic facts which mean that a student should acquire the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide basic numbers automatically (O’Connell, 2009). Regardless the importance thereby attached, it is very hard to dismiss the relationship between mental computation of basic facts and the memorizing power of a student. The strategies-based approach emphasizes mostly on developing mastering skills from the natural informal knowledge that the child has (Andrew Carroll, 1999). This is better than the usual rote approach which presented such drawbacks as inducing anxiety due to demand for quick performance. Also, students had a tendency to adapt the element of memorizing facts in these rigid schedules rather than application of thoughts in solving mathematical problems. Strategies-based approach requires that the natural thinking of children is utilized whereby informal mathematical knowledge is set as basis to understand harder concepts after learning simpler facts. To help students master basic facts, the elementary step involves testing them on subtraction and addition where they are required to work out simple tests in real life situation. In the meantime, the students should be encouraged to develop patterns, think logically and use their manipulative skills in solving these exercises. It should be noted here that unlike adults who will process this information directly from their memory, children will use the direct manual counting, a technique referred to as direct-modeling technique. As their understanding gradually develop over time, some students would tend to grasp concepts at a faster rates than others where they can use even more than one strategy in solving mathematical problems. It is therefore very important to request students to share their strategies with their peers in class in order to help them advance to more efficient methods and encourage development of self-invented strategies (Steinberg, 1985). ? References Andrew, C. I. and Carroll, M. W. (1999). Teaching children mathematics, 5 (9):508(8) O’Connell, S. (2009). Mastering basic math facts. Retrieved August 09, 2010, from http://www. qualityteacherdevelopment. com/blog/25/mastering-basic-math-facts/ Steinberg, R. M. , (1985). Instruction on derived facts strategies in addition and subtraction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education , 16: 337-55.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Kingdom Of The Hittites History Essay

The Kingdom Of The Hittites History Essay Two Archaeologist who were among the first ones to take an interest in the Hittites were the French adventurer-explorer called Charles Texier (1834), and British scholar called Archibald Henry Sayce (1876), who gave lectures to the Society of Biblical Archaeology about a group of people referred to in the Bible as the Hittites. Sayce puts forward a bold new theory-that the Hittites, far from being an insignificant Canaanite tribe, were in fact the masters of a great and widespread empire extending throughout the Near East (Bryce, 2002, p2). The German archaeologist Hugo Winckler began excavating the site, examining over 1000 clay tablets which had been discovered. They were inscribed in the cuneiform script; the Hittites used cuneiform script on their writing. Hieroglyph form was also used and it was intended for ordinary people so that they would understand the contents (Sansal, 2010). Winckler was able to read a number of these tablets, since they are in the language called Akkadia n, the international language of diplomacy in the second millennium BC. He discovered the Akkadian version of a treaty which the pharaoh Ramesses II drew up with Hattusili, king of the Hittites, in the twenty-first year of his reign. This, combined with other evidence, made it clear that the site under excavation is the Hittite capital, later to be identified as Hattusa (Bryce, 2002, p2). Today a lot of work is taking place at these sites on the supervision of German archaeologist. Hittites chose to settle in Anatolia due to the rich source of timber and agricultural products of all kind, and more importantly an abundance of the mineral wealth which with the advance of the civilization became increasingly necessary. The mountains of Anatolia are rich in metal-deposits (MacQueen, 1986. P13-15) Chronology remains a big problem when studying this region. Many of the dates established for the area are ultimately dependent on Egyptian sources.The Hittite history is divided into 3 phases Old Kingdom 1680-1500, Middle Kingdom 1500-1430, Empire 1430-1200. Total collapse around 1180 BC. (Matthews, 2010) A Hittite king was constantly inundated with decisions, as he was not only the supreme ruler, but also a judicial authority, high priest, and a military commander. All important matters in these fields had to be reported to the king. He had a large number of aristocrats and personages who possessed a significant amount of power and were assigned with vital roles in the kingdom. These men were always blood relatives of the king (Bryce, 2002, p16). Hattusili I, 1650-1620 BC was the first Hittite king to expand into north Syria, including Aleppo and Alalakh. This demonstrates the early value of access to sea and trade for Hittites as Hattusa is located rather far from the sea (Matthews, 2010). Hittite kings adopted Hatti names and were greatly inspired by Hatti civilization in their art, religion, culture and mythology (Sansal, 2010) The army consisted of two main arms, infantry and chariots. The most important posts both in government and the army were given to the kings blood relatives, eldest sons and brothers. The infantry had a small core of permanent troops who acted as the kings personal bodyguard and were responsible for frontier-patrols and the crushing of rebellions (Macqueen, 1986. P56). Women also played an important part in the Hittites state. Queen Pudupepe, wife of Hattusili III, and the last queen of Suppiluliumas I were present in office until their husbands deaths and have been mentioned and portrayed in a number of clay tablets discovered (Gurney, 1990. P54). About 200 Hittite laws which were inscribed on two tablets, enclose the laws of this great empire. These include punishments for agricultural defence, adultery, theft, murder, defiance in case of slaves and many other rules and punishments (Sansal, 2010). A large number of tablets have been discovered baring these laws from later periods which indicate that the same laws were kept by later kings. At the lowest level of society were slaves. A person could become a slave through debts, through indentured servitude, as punishment of a crime, or through warfare (Collin, 2007. 117). An owner appears to ave had virtually unlimited power in his treatment of his slaves Bryce, 2002. p52). The art of fortification is an ancient one in Anatolia. A good example can be seen at the settlements in Hacilar II (c. 5400) which has an independent wall of mud brick between 1.5 and 3 m thick and provided with small towers which enabled the defenders to fire along the face of the wall. The slightly later (c. 5250) wall of Hacilar I are even bigger, and is built in a series of steps to give a clear field for covering-fire in front of it ( Macqueen, 1986. P64). Many building had mud-brick on stone foundations, with upper storey, and some had storage for grains (Matthews, 2010) Excavations show that streets had a strong tendency to be straight, and were usually well finished with a surface of coarse gravel. In an area where almost every site was on sloping ground, systems of terracing were constantly necessary, many streets had large drainage-channels, running down the middle and connected to lesser channels or clay pipes which carried dirty water into them from the houses on either side (Macqueen, 1986. P70) Agriculture played an important role in the economy of the Hittites. Some of the main crops included emmer-wheat and barley; but peas, beans, onions, flax, figs, olives, . Cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, dogs and were kept, and bees too were an important item (honey was important in diet). Daily diet consisted mainly of different sorts, of bread and cakes, milk, cheese, porridge or gruel, and meat and vegetable stews (Bryce, 2002, p74). There is evidence for the presence of doctors, builders, carpenters, goldsmiths, coppersmiths, potters, fishermen, and watchmen, although in many cases full-time professionals were employed only by the palace and temples (Macqueen, 1986. P97). Sometimes there is evidence for what can only be described as industrial areas, as trade played an important role in the economy and merchants from overseas visited the city often. These buildings can be especially in connection with metal-working, excavations show that these buildings could have fu nctioned as a shop in some areas of the town. Many seals have been discovered, but the signet-ring, like the cylinder-seal, was the exception, in the Hittite world. Newly- found seal-impressions which describe kuruntas as a Great King suggest that he was for a time able to seize power in the capital and will thus have to be added to the list of the Hittite monarchs (Macqueen, 1986, p9, p101). Pottery of Hittite type was in use throughout central Anatolia and in many areas affected by Hittite political or military influence. Perhaps the most attractive c type of Hittite pottery is the vessel in the form of an animal (Gurney, 1990. p163-165). Religion played an extremely important role among the Hittites, and it was involved mainly with serving the gods which in most cases was the weather gods Collin, 2007, p173-174). The kings prayed and made offerings to gods regularly at the temples dedicated to them. The temple was not only the building in which the great festivals took place, but also the home of the god throughout the year; inside it, he had his dining-room and his bedroom, and he had at his command a host of temple-servants attend to his every need (Bryce, 2002, p153). King Mursili II is best known among all the Hittite kings for his duty to gods and religion. This dedication to the gods and the vast number of temples built, was the main reason that Hattusa remained a capital throughout the years even though it was not the most ideal place to have as the centre of an empire mainly due to its extreme climate changes, the impossibility of the relocation of the gods temples made Hattusa the unchangeable capital. Most of the surviving evidence of temples relates to the official state-cult, little is known of local religious buildings, but inventories of their contents, preserved at the capital, tell us something of their furnishings and their festivals; the principal object in a shrine was a cult-image of normal size, usually a weapon, an animal or a huwasi-stone, an upright Stella set on a carved base (Macqueen, 1986, p111). Only towards the end of the Imperial period were these objects beginning to be replaced by anthropomorphic images, usually the gift of the king. Small buildings used for cult purposes also existed in Hattusas itself, and several have recently been excavated in the southern part of the city. Hittite art is basically naturalistic, in the sense that it portrays human beings, animals and occasionally objects. About three-quarters of a mile north-east of Bogazkoy lies Yazilikaya the most impressive of all Hittites religious structures. One of the gods depicted here is Teshub (Sansal, 2010). Here at a point where a spring of fresh water once flowed, is an outcrop of rock which forms two natural Chambers of different sizes; the problems with interpreting the sculptures of Yazihkaya in terms of find ritual and belief have certainly not all been solved (Macqueen, 1986, P 123-127). It has been pointed out by the excavators that the temple buildings, unlike those of the capital, were weakly constructed, and cannot have supported an upper storey; this suggests that they were not in daily use, but were reserved for some special function, perhaps an annual event (Bittel, 1970. P107-8) Cremation was widespread in central Anatolia; from textual resources it is known to be the funerary custom of the Hittite Kings. The ordinary people of Hattusa, however, were either buried or cremated (Bryce, 2002. P176-7). At Bogazkoy, for instance, bodies were often buried in or near the houses. Burial gifts were few and poor in quality and no social distinction can be made in terms of types or location of burial (Macqueen, 1986. P133) Hattusa is located at the southern end of the Budakozii Valley adjacent to the stream of the same name, which has cut a large cleft into the rocks to form a natural citadel that was settled already at the end of the Early Bronze Age; easily defensible, the citadel commanded a view of the entire Late Bronze Age city called Buyilkkale today (Bryce, 2002. P33). Here was located the palace, which was the residence of the king, his family, and their retinue, and, adjacent to it, the administrative buildings, including an extensive library and chancellery; the oldest part of the city is located in the Lower City to the north, in the area around and including the Great Temple (Bryce, 2002. P33). In this temple, priests saw to the needs of the Storm-God and Sun-Goddess, the divine couple who ruled the Hittite pantheon. Three monumental gates are located in the southern part of the city. Each of the three gates is decorated with elaborate sculpture that helps to define their separate uses. From an artificial embankment at the highest and southernmost point of the city, known as Yerkapi, two carved sphinxes once looked down protectively upon the temple quarter; the gate was accessible from the outside only by two steep, narrow staircases and so is unlikely to have been a regular point of entrance to the city. Its narrow open gateway has a shrine-like feel, and it may have served primarily as the stage for religious celebrations (Collin, 2007. P35). A large tablet uniquely made of bronze found near the Sphinx Gate contains the text of a treaty between Tudhaliyas IV and his cousin Kuruntas king of Tarhuntassa, a son of Muwatallis, and gives important geographical information on south and south-west Anatolia (Macqueen, 1986. P8-9). The Lion Gate located near Temple 3, to the southwest, so-called because of the two massive lions in stone designed to impress those entering the city, probably served as the citys formal entrance for dignitaries and other important visitors (Collin, 2007, p35). A bronze sword of Aegean type, found outside the Lion Gate and inscribed with a dedication by Great king Tudhaliyas when he shattered the Assuwa-country, is important confirmation of the Assuwa campaign of Tudhaliyas I and of early Hittite contact with the west and the Aegean coast (Macqueen, 1986. P8-9). The Kings Gate with a deity carved in high relief on it, is believed to have been used primarily for special occasions, due to its very close distance from Temple 5. Professor Neve notes that Temple 5 with an area of 3,000 m is the biggest sacred building in the upper city (Bryce, 2002. P242-3). To the south-east of the South Citadel In Hattusa, a large sacred pool has been revealed, some 92m by 65m in area, supplied by an aqueduct from the north of the kings Gate. At the western end of this po ol is a large embankment, 100 m long and 30 m wide, under which are two barrel-vaulted chambers. One of those, built over an older water-channel, is decorated with the relief of a king and an inscription of suppiluliumas II which describes it as a sacred path to the underworld (Macqueen, 1986. P8-9). These gates were also there to give protective aid of supernatural powers, by being designed to keep evil influences and evil men at bay. Excavations show that in the ridge called Bulyukkaya, the Hittites built an extensive granary comprising rectangular cellars dug into the earth( Collin, 2007. P16), with a capacity to store some four to six thousand tons of grain totals, this indicated that the city prepared for siege and also for bad harvest years (Matthews, 2010). New excavations in the western part of the Upper City, dominated by Sarikale, have revealed that the area was settled already in the sixteenth century. The square structures dating to this period are thought to have been barracks for military troops, thus clearing up the mystery of where Hattusas defenders resided (Collin, 2007). There is focus on the new excavations (since 2001) in the western part of the Upper City in the valley west of the rock of Sarikale, which may provide evidence of the elusive residential quarter. One major challenge remaining for excavators is to find a royal tomb (Collin, 2007. P16). In the south-west the Shipwreck near Uluburun, east of Kas, has provided a rich cargo which includes copper, tin, gold, glass, ivory, ebony, amber, ostrich-egg shell, terebinth resin, pellets or purple murex dye, a scarab of Nefertiti, and a wooden folding writing tablet, as well as a wide assortment of jewellery, weapons, tools, weights and other equipment; the wreck vastly increases our understanding of international sea-trade and also of shipbuilding techniques c. 1300 BC. (Macqueen, 1986) Conclusions: The Hittite empire collapsed around 1180 BC, at end of the late Bronze Age. Early in the twelfth century, the royal capital Hattusa was destroyed by fire, and with its destruction the Anatolian kingdom of the Hittite came to an abrupt end. This occurred within the situation of the widespread upheavals linked with the fall down of many Bronze Age kingdoms throughout the Near East and mainland Greece (Bryce, 2002. P9) . This empire had a fragile political unit, perhaps due to the location of its capital and the great mixture of people living within it, which made union rather more difficult and sensitive. Harvests were failing, and grain had to be imported from as far afield as Egypt to ward off famine, which caused the empire to be on the edge. Hittites disappeared from central Anatolia but survived as small Iron Age kingdoms in the south east of Turkey and northern Syria; these are the peoples referred to in the Bible, whom we call Neo-Hittites (Matthews, 2010). While Hittitology con tinues to be a dynamic and evolving field of study, it is nevertheless still a relatively young and relatively small field, and there is still much to learn about its people and history.

Friday, October 25, 2019

William Blake :: essays research papers

William Blake is said to be a very visual artist and in his visions, is where he got all of his ideas. In this essay I’m going to explore some of Blake’s works and the visions that caused him to write about some of the things that he wrote about. William Blake, born November 28, 1757, grew up as the son of a haberdasher, Blake, with close to zero education in a London suburb due to having a bad temper. He taught himself everything that he knew. From the ages of 0 to 14, he taught himself how to read and he had read many of Milton’s pieces, the Bible, and some of Shakespeare’s work. He also taught himself Latin (Norton 65). During his free time since he didn’t attend school, he spent this time in a print shop. He spent his pocket money for engravings of different Italian Masters. All of this freedom that he had helped him to gather impressions and sensations from the world that helped him with his drawings until he died. Later in his life he decided on apprenticing as an engraver instead of becoming an artist, even though he was a friend of many of the great artists. He worked as an apprentice for a well-known engraver. His engraving skills that he learned helped him with his craftsmanship, and a higher br anch of art (Raine 9-10). Blake married an illiterate woman at the age of twenty-four, named Catherine. He decided on courting her in Battersea, and the church where they were married is the only church still standing to this very day (Raine 7). Blake encountered many hardships in his life including being arrested for making slanderous statements about different things. All of the events that Blake endured in his life had a great influence on his masterful writings and drawings. It was once said that Blake and his wife were so poor, that his wife would lay an empty plate in front of him at dinner because they didn’t have anything at all to eat, and this made Blake start drawing pictures of what he wished was on his plate. One task that he was assigned was to draw many of the monuments of kings and queens in Westminster Abbey. When Blake was young he had many different visions that also caused him to start drawing these visions on the flaps of his dad’s books.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Annotated Bib Gender Roles

Gender Roles in the Workplace: Annotated Bibliography Karissa Roveda Oakland University Rochester, MI Adler, M. A. (1994). Male-Female power differences at work: A comparison of supervisor and policymakers. Sociological Inquiry, 64(1), 37-55. This article spoke of the positions of power between men and women, and how policymakers and supervisors distribute that power to men and women. In the work place, when considering for advancement, employers have undefined criteria such as personality characteristics and potential managerial qualities.These standards become the cause of inequality in authority and power at work place. Jobs that are available for women have low wages and also less authority. Similar research studies have shown similar points, in that inequality is found at the workplace because of such gender based characteristics. Even though women were shown to be more educated, they do not follow the same status. The researcher in this study used methodology to find these ineq ualities at the work place. The study consisted of four data points to test and used 531 women and 619 men for this data.The author collected data for power in wage labor, employment, sample characteristics and occupation by education. The results showed that men achieve higher positions and also showed they have a higher chance at a supervisory level and more authority than women. In the workplace, gender is a major part of determining positions of power. Also, it shows that education is more important to get supervisor positions, which is less effective for women. This study demonstrates the inequality between men and women that makes men more prone to positions of power than women.The data and research clearly showed that women have greatly less access to positions of power and authority at work place than men, and that gender is the key factor in determining those positions. Policymakers and supervisors may indeed make regulations promoting equality but gender bias is still obvi ously exhibited. Carbonell, J. L. , & Castro, Y. (2008). The impact of a leader model on high dominant women’s self-selection for leadership. Sex Roles ,58,776-783. This study had women observe a leader model of either gender model a task they would have to complete. The study looked at effects of ender role model in the decision of high dominant women to be leaders, given a masculine task to complete with a male co-worker. The hypothesis states that women would become leaders at a higher rate when a woman model is given rather than a male. The research took a total of 190 students: 95 women and 95 men. Each individual was given the California Psychological Inventory, measuring: impression, communication, and dominance. This study looked at dominance in particular. Only 15 pairs were exposed to women models. The study observed 2 groups to support or reject their hypothesis.Focused groups were made of high dominant woman paired with a low dominant man with a female model, and high dominant woman paired with a low dominant man with a male model. A chi square analysis showed a correlation between leader model and leader development, â€Å"The results are that 60% of women took the leader role when given a woman model compared to 20% in male model† (Castro, 2008). The study concluded in the presence of a female model, high dominant individual would be the leader. The gender of the leader model did not affect leadership for males. I believe this study shows importance of woman leader models in professional fields.The lack of exposure of woman leaders for women reduces the chances that they will take on leadership roles. Katz, D. (1987). Sex discrimination in hiring: The influence of organizational climate and need for approval on decision making behavior. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 11(1), 11-20. Previous studies have caused the idea that equally skilled men and women are assessed unequally when applying for jobs. The present study observes the inf luence from different organizational workplaces or â€Å"the quality of an organization’s internal environment† (Katz, 1987), and society’s need for approval on the notion of biased employees decisions.The study sought out three main hypotheses, if an unfair organizational environment would influence people to hire a male applicant over an identical female applicant. Second, that in a workplace a male applicant would be ranked as a better fit and more likely to stay with the company longer than a female applicant. And third, that those subjects with a high need of approval would match more to the demands of job on the hire and salary assessments than lower approval motivation applicants. The study included 161 male undergrads enrolled in a business class.They were given a booklet which contained experimental materials necessary in controlling organizational workplace. They were also given either a female or male completed application and asked for their judgment s on an applicant’s suitability for the position. Results from the experiment showed that as initially expected, males were favored over females in the unfair environment. The results also showed that males were chosen as fitting significantly better than females, and that men were also offered higher salaries in the same conditions.In my opinion, the implications of this study can establish that the workplace can deeply influence the decisions of hiring workers and lead to gender bias. McTavish, D. , & Miller, K. (2009). Gender balance in leadership? Reform and modernization in the UK further education sector. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 37(3), 350-365. The research question that this article attempted to answer was â€Å"Why are few women advancing into leadership positions despite a large number of women being employed into the further education sector? † (McTavish & Miller, 2009).The further education sector employs a high proportion of wome n yet relatively few women progress into leadership positions. The article seeks to provide explanations for this gender imbalance and argues that despite change and modernization initiatives, the further education sector remains gendered in many aspects of leadership, governance and executive practices. The only major difference between male and female academics was that female academics were twice as given to apply for promotion if supported by their line manager, and male academics were twice as likely to apply if there was an opportunity to influence college power.Also female academics were twice as likely to apply if they were obtained feedback through their staff review. There are many conclusions that were drawn from this study. Reform and structural change have definitely led to a larger number of possibilities for women. Changes in organizational policy have led to a friendlier environment for females. Women have to adjust to masculine managerial styles, such as competitive ness. In addition, even though it appears that the reforms are creating gender balance, in reality; women are still going to their stereotypical roles such as teaching and lecturing.Meyerson, Debra E. , and Joyce K. Fletcher. â€Å"A Modest Manifesto for Shattering the Glass Ceiling. † Harvard Business Review (2000): 127-36. â€Å"Gender discrimination is now so deeply embedded in organizational life as to be virtually indiscernible. Even the women who feel its impact are often hard-pressed to know what hit them† (Meyerson & Fletcher, 127). The authors believe that the glass ceiling will be shattered â€Å"only through a strategy that uses small wins-incremental changes aimed at biases so entrenched in the system that they're not even noticed until they're gone† (Meyerson & Fletcher,128).The small wins approach to change was developed by Karl Weick. The authors emphasize that real and lasting change can be made by small changes, and that these small changes are not threatening to any stakeholders. For example, one firm discovered it could recruit women more effectively simply by increasing the length of the interview time from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, which gave female candidates just a little bit more time to â€Å"bond† with their middle-aged male interviewers. Another firm reversed its high turnover rate for female middle managers by bringing more discipline to meetings, ensuring that meetings started and ended on time.This would be a change that freed all employees from the need to be available 15 hours per day. I personally think both strategies are very effective because at least these firms are putting in the effort to make a difference through the gender roles fairness in the workplace. Roos, P. A. (1981). Sex stratification in the workplace: Male-Female differences in economic returns to occupation. Social Science Research, 10(3), 195-224. The study causes the idea that there is a large earning gap between men and women.Ge nder differences in earning are important because it focuses on the gender-based inequalities of power at the workplace. The author of the study used a literature review to explain the gender gap in earning, and it showed that sex segregated characteristics still remain at the occupational level. It shows that women work at low paying jobs and they are less likely to use authority in those jobs. The main reason why there are gender differences in earnings is the belief of human capital theory, and it has a huge concern with the supply side of the market.The researcher used a non-institutionalized English speaking population to explain the data for gender influenced gap in earning. The sample included 959 men and 670 women. The results showed that women are paid low wages, and are in positions of low responsibility. Even when a women reaches a higher level job, their earning is much lower than that of men. The results also show that women’s low income is mainly because of thei r job characteristics, in that men and women are distributed differently across jobs.Men earn more than women, mainly because women are not considered employers. The study demonstrated that the characteristics of the workers create inequality at the workplace; this is also a reason for why there is a large gap in earning between genders. Human capital theory discourages women from working and it presents women as low rent employees. They have less understanding of the mean of production. The characteristics of this research show improvement in the earnings of men and women. Yuping Zhang and Emily Hannum and Meiyan Wang. Gender-Based Employment and Income Differences in Urban China: Considering the Contributions of Marriage and Parenthood. † Social Forces 86. 4 (2008): 156-159. Web. 2 April 2010. This article is based on the income differences and job opportunities of workers in urban China between men and women and why these differences exist. These authors argue that married women and parents receive the biggest disadvantage amongst female workers in China due to their lack of capital regarding education, energy and financially.These particular women are not able to make as many social connections as men do due to their role in the household and so they are at a great disadvantage. In China’s market it is essential to have these kinds of social connections. It is a capitalistic society where everyone is out for his or herself and so people must use other people to get what they want. If these connections are not present then these urban female workers will not be able to make nearly as much progress and therefore will be much less successful.It is these expectations that cheapen the women and set them at a great disadvantage if they ever plan on having a family and household to upkeep. This lack of opportunity in the article is summarized as a disadvantage of ‘time use’ due to being a wife and having children in comparison to those w ho do not. However, if a woman were to decide that she didn’t want a family and wanted to primarily focus on her work this would be frowned upon in society, due to how valued the dynamic of family is in China.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Explore the presentation of authority and inferiority in The Tempest Essays

Explore the presentation of authority and inferiority in The Tempest Essays Explore the presentation of authority and inferiority in The Tempest Essay Explore the presentation of authority and inferiority in The Tempest Essay Essay Topic: The Tempest Throughout The Tempest, Shakespeare manages to present authority and inferiority through different characters and in a variety of different ways. One of the main characters, Prospero, is acknowledged as being the most authoritative character in the play because the audience realise that, not only was he once the Duke of Milan, but his power and overall superiority in the island is due to his knowledge in the magical arts. Prospero is proficient in the magical arts mainly due to the fact that he brushed aside his responsibilities when he was a Duke to make time for his magic. It is ironic to consider that, being gifted with magic, Prospero is shown as being virtually omnipotent on the island, yet it was the pursuit of this magic which was his initial downfall in society.In contrast to Prosperos excess in authority, Caliban is presented as the most inferior character in the play. He is banished out of Prosperos circle due to his nature; his mother was often refe rred to as a hag, and because he knows nothing of civilisation, but rather acts on an instinctive belief. It is also due to Calibans ignorance of the rules of outside society, that the island, where he born, and which could be said be rightfully his, was taken from him by Prospero. One such instance of Calibans ignorance of the rules of society is when he didst seek to violate the honour of my (Prosperos) child. In society, this would be considered as rape and one would be imprisoned for it, however Caliban doesnt understand the error of his actions as he says he wanted to populate this isle with Calibans. To him, He was acting on instinct and doing what animals do, but as Miranda and Prospero were not born on the island, to them it was considered as a violation of basic human rights. It if for this reason that we see Prospero hold control and superiority over Caliban as Prospero is aware of the outside rules, whereas Caliban is forced to act on his primitive instincts.Shakespeare s hows how authority is determined, not only by ones knowledge of life at its most basic state, but also by the ability to use it. In Prosperos case he uses Ariel as his instrument in exercising his authority. Ariel is shown as being Prosperos eyes as he uses her to oversee all that is happening on the island. Ariel does Prosperos bidding in the hope that she will have freedom once it has all been done. When Prospero asks Ariel if she has done what he ordered here to do: Hast thou, spirit, performed to point the tempest that I bade thee? Ariel replies with: To every article. Ariel shows that she has done all Prospero has asked her to do and even goes on to list what she has done as an emphasis of her deeds: I boarded the kings ship. Now on the beak, now in the waist, the deck, in every cabin I flamed amazement.The use of commas in between the line shows a break in the flow and also implies that a lot has been done. This gives the audience a sense of how it is directed on stage as Arie l can only narrate her action and portray herself as being an eager servant flitting around Prospero. Prosperos hold over Ariel is the promise of freedom and this is what gives him authority. His authority over Ariel also gives him overall authority over the island as, assisted with Ariels magic, he can control all that happens on it. Shakespeare shows us that superiority can only exist when acknowledged by those who are inferior. Another example of this is the way Gonzalo accepts Alonso as King and, later on, when Caliban promotes Stephano and Trinculo (two base characters) to a superior level.Through the interaction between Alonso and Gonzalo, the audience realise that authority and superiority can only be acknowledged by those without it. In Alonso and Gonzalos case, the way in which Gonzalo addresses Alonso as sir shows the respect he holds for Alonso and also indicates Gonzalo has less authority than Alonso. This would have been considered as rightfully placed respect in that p eriod in time because Alonso was the King. However, the way in which Sebastian and Antonio address Alonso is nothing short of disrespectful; when Alonso grieves for his sons apparent death, Sebastian states The faults your own (Alonsos). In situations like this, the common reaction of people would be to comfort the person who is grieving, but Sebastian and Antonio show a totally disrespect for authority and, instead, make snide and sarcastic comments whenever Gonzalo speaks: He (Alonso) receives comfort like cold porridge. This was said when Gonzalo tried telling Alonso to be grateful for having survived the tempest, Beseech you, sir, be merry. The way in which Antonio and Sebastian plan to kill Alonso and Gonzalo, in order for Sebastian to become the new King of Naples, shows how they are both willing to do blasphemous deeds in order to be their own leaders. Their lack of respect for those with more authority to themselves helps the audience to understand that there is no authority or superiority without those who are inferior to acknowledge it.The case of Caliban and Stephano and Trinculo shows the audience that some people were born to serve, but that they wanted to the freedom to choose their leader. Caliban never wanted to be free, he just wanted to have the freedom to choose who his controller was to be. We see this when he tells Stephano and Trinculo he will serve thee if they bite him (Prospero) to death. Calibans hatred for Prospero is justified as the treatment he receives from Prospero is nothing short of degrading; Prospero constantly refers to him as a slave, Thou poisonous slave. The speed in which Caliban was willing to accept Stephano and Trinculo as his new leaders shows his naivety as they are much more inferior than Prospero could ever be. Caliban begs them to take him as a slave as he says hell Kiss thy foot and asks them to be his god. When Caliban confronts Prospero at the beginning of the play, he shows emotion in the form of sadness as he says he showed thee [] the fresh springs and all he got in return was banishment from the island. However, when he speaks to Trinculo and Stephano, he says hell show thee the best springs as he believes they would never betray him like Prospero did.Authority and inferiority are also portrayed throughout the play through the characters use of language. The interaction between the characters and the language they use helps the audience to differentiate between who has authority and who doesnt. The way in which Caliban and Prospero interact with each other is a great indication to the audience of their status. As has been previously established, Prospero is shown as being a powerful and magical being who demands authority from both the audience and the characters in the play. The audience can tell, before Caliban even comes on stage, that he has little to no authority on the island. This is because of the language Prospero uses when describing him: Caliban, my slave, and Tis a villa in. By addressing Caliban as his slave slave, the audience realise that Prospero controls Caliban and therefore is far more superior to him. The abrupt and callous manner in which Prospero talks to Caliban suggests to the audience that Caliban is unworthy of Prosperos attention and time. Snappy lines, such as: What, ho! Slave! Caliban and Thou earth, thou, speak, show how impatient Prospero gets when having to spend time conversing with Caliban. It is for this reason that Caliban is unwilling to serve Prospero but is eager to serve Stephano and Trinculo. Caliban chooses to serve them both as he believes them to be fine things and to be Brave gods. It is his belief that they will kill Prospero and treat him well in enough. Although they both address Caliban as monster, the way they say it makes it seem as if its a term of endearment. This is proven correct when they leave the stage with: O brave monster! Lead the way. Caliban has never been spoken to in such a way and the use of brav e and Lead the way implies that Caliban is needed by them.One key scene to outline Shakespeares overall thoughts on authority and inferiority is the first scene of The Tempest. This scene outlines the fact that authority and inferiority is transient and unstable as it changes according to the situation and who is involved in the situation. Where Antonio, Sebastian, Alonso and Gonzalo would have the most authority in any social situation, their authority dissipates in the face of a raging storm. In this opening scene, the royal party is harshly addressed by the boatswain: Do you not hear him? [] Keep your cabins! You do assist the storm. The use of a rhetorical question shows how in a life or death situation, niceties will not do. The boatswain is more interested in getting out alive rather than adhering to the rules of hierarchy.He orders the four to get to their cabins as they mar his labour. This scene shows that even in the face of danger, Antonio and Sebastian are more concerned with the correct respect shown to them due to their statuses in society. The Boatswains only interest is saving himself and the ship, so his language is abrupt and short: Work you, then. He is speaking directly to Sebastian after Sebastian gets affronted with the disrespect he is shown. Sebastian shouts insults at the Boatswain A pox oyour throat. It is his pride which was injured due to the lack of respect he was shown. Sebastian and Antonio were never used to this treatment as they were usually held in high regard in society. What the audience realise is that authority means nothing when in the face of danger as the ultimate authority is help by Mother Nature.In conclusion, one can assume that authority and inferiority is determined by a number of things, but mostly the situation and circumstance a person is in. Caliban is a victim of circumstance and thus has no authority, but if Prospero hadnt come to the island, Caliban may have been his own king. It is Prosperos magic and the fear he instils in Caliban which gives him the superiority he has on the island. Authority and Inferiority can also only be determined by those with less authority, as without inferiority there cannot be superiority. Explore the presentation of authority and inferiority in The Tempest Essays Explore the presentation of authority and inferiority in The Tempest Essay Explore the presentation of authority and inferiority in The Tempest Essay Essay Topic: The Tempest The presentation of authority and inferiority is displayed in many different ways throughout, The Tempest. Authority is presented as being based on a variety of features. For example, social status, knowledge and magic all figure prominently. The balance of powers shifts quickly as authority is displayed in a complex manner. It refers to being powerful and conveys the traits of the characters. The authority is unbalanced and doesnt have as much of an affect, as it should do. The beginning shows authority and inferiority as it starts off with a storm and there is thunder and lightning hence the use of pathetic fallacy indicates towards danger onboard. The Master says Boatswain and therefore there is already symbolisation of authority within the premature play. This already indicates control over the Boatswain, while throughout the scene he tries to prevent the boat from wrecking by following orders. The authority is readily transferred to Boatswain while he commands other to help him and mentions What cares these roarers for the name of the King?, showing he is unmoved by whoever is the on ship and therefore gives priority to his master. The readers can already see how the man has been swirled within the control of his master and therefore obeys him strictly. Within this process even the nobles are treated with least respect thereby implying the effects of loyalty or obedience to master, and is shown when, he says, Do you not hear him? You mar our labour. Keep your cabins! The use of the exclamation mark indicates that he is shouting abruptly at a person of higher social rank. However at the same time Antonio and Sebastian rush after the King therefore provoking the indirect authority of the on them. The following Scene 2, comprises Miranda, Prospero having a conversation about the storm, while Miranda expresses sorrow over the storm and people in the ship, Prospero decides to extend the event to her past and explain it to her. He explains the story, but then makes her sleep, mainly to save her innocence, while Prospero talks about what to do with the survivors of the ship wreck with Ariel. Putting her to sleep, shows power, as magic is known as a super-power and is usually impossible to withstand it. Prospero is the ideal character with knowledge and shows this throughout The Tempest. He is the antagonist with immense amount of power various amount of power from persuasion, magic and knowledge from books. An example of this is: If thou more murmurst, I will rend an oak, And peg thee in his knotty entrails, till, Thou has howled away twelve winters. Prospero shows that he has the power to do anything. He threatens Ariel to do as he says or Ariel will pay the consequences by being put inside an oak tree. The vocabulary is strong, I will rend an oak a strong suggestion of eagerness to fulfil his words with actions also there is seriousness in his tone which might seem as though he is exaggerating Thou has howled away twelve winters, if there is a murmur from Ariel. Furthermore there is a break in speech with the use of a comma, which reinforces and links the idea of being exiled into an oak tree for twelve winters the authority over Ariel is just a part of Prosperos knowledge: Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me, From mine own library with volumes that, I prize above my dukedom. From this we learn how educated Prospero is and we can blatantly see that he has a vast knowledge over many volumes where he gained his knowledge and power. There is an emphasis that he had his own library, with various volumes that he could prize upon. When Ariel is introduced to the play, he appears to be a servant again signaling to authority and control, and when Ariel questions authority, he is harshly reminded by Prospero of how he rescued her and therefore classifies Ariel as being ungrateful and needing to be once in a month recalled of Prosperos good deeds. The punctuation has use of commas that try to persuade him by saying, Let me remember thee.. this conveys us that he is trying to remind Prospero his promise and emphasizes his aspirations of being free, by reminding him what thou promised. When Ariel and Prospero speak about the storm it links back to scene 1 where the storm shows how Prospero has authority over the ship and circumstances through magic. Ariel is treated almost like a pet by being degraded and appreciated at times, showing the magnitude of authority of Prospero. During that Ariel is degraded to being questioned about his past as well. And therefore takes the role of a pupil while Prospero humiliates him through his intellectual and physical threatening power. Caliban is seen as a slave as well with low morals, he is shown to be colonised by Prospero while he is taught the language to communicate with him as well. This shows the authority of the coloniser and ironically outlines the control the colonised Caliban has after being taught the language allowing him to curse Prospero. His authority and inferiority is shown as acceptable. Caliban is an example of this, when he comes across Trinculo and Stephano he immediately asks them to be his masters, by saying that he has given away his authority and has immediately asked to be inferior: Ill show thee every fertile inch otheisland, and I will kiss thy foot. I prithee, be my god. The desperation of Caliban is immediately seen in the quote when he emphasizes that hell show the entire land and he will kiss their feet. The vocabulary illustrates the desperation and extreme anxiety of a needed master. In addition it also has a hyperbole, be my god he over exaggerates by saying he wants Trinculo a nd Stephano to be his Gods. This shows that Caliban has no desire to be an authorative figure; he has accepted his position in the social hierarchy. When Ferdinand is stranded on the island, he encounters Ariel where they both fall in love, and therefore Ferdinand and Miranda could be seen as a possibility for peace and forgiveness for usurping Prospero. However Prospero dislikes the sudden fall in love between the two, and therefore threatens Ferdinand, where Ferdinand draws his sword, and after drawing it, Prospero freezes him through magic showing control; however Miranda does retaliate towards any harshness towards Ferdinand. Another example of authorisation is how Antonio uses various cunning methods to persuade and manipulate Sebastian into killing the King. This is shown when he says, Thou lets thy fortune sleep die, rather, winkst whiles thou art walking. The imagery used in the language personifies that the human status will raise level of impatience, fortune sleep also the grammar shows the relationship between die and sleep. The dash indicates a pause, engages the readers attention. It also shows Antonio changing his mind, to emphasize on the fact that the chance will be lost to kill the king. Furthermore the vocabulary shows a manipulative tone by suggesting that it is fortunes wish that they take this opportunity fortune to kill the king; in addition the association of eye movement sees the opportunity. The semi-colon links the two ideas together, which accentuates that, hes missing out on a golden opportunity. All this shows how he is almost talking down to Sebastian, and shows authority and i nferiority. In conclusion the presentation of authority shows that in order to have authority and stabilise it you need to have knowledge and power to do so. Prospero is a perfect example as he shows he has immense amounts of authority by having magic and knowledge from books. However, authority is also illustrated as being unequal the King, being on top of the social hierarchy doesnt show any authority and if he tries it is dismissed. On the other hand inferiority is subjective as some people have accepted that they are inferior for example Caliban. However Ariel accepts this as he is going to get something out of it, freedom. I dont think you need to be on top of a social hierarchy to have authority, you can gain it.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Work out vs. Workout

Work out vs. Workout Work out vs. Workout Work out vs. Workout By Maeve Maddox A reader who frequents health and fitness sites is disturbed by a lack of professional editing: Ive noticed that nobody, literally nobody makes a distinction between the noun workout and the verb work out. On every website, I find statements like You have to workout three times a week. So I was wondering if you could address that issue in one of your upcoming posts. The reader is not exaggerating by much. Here are some examples from health and fitness sites and forums that I visited: How often should you workout per week? Should be: How often should you work out per week? Where do you workout? Should be: Where do you work out? First, warm up with some joint rotations, in order to lubricate your joints and prepare them for  the work out.   Should be: First, warm up with some joint rotations, in order to lubricate your joints and prepare them for  the workout.   I’m a night person and prefer to workout at night. Should be: I’m a night person and prefer to work out at night. A few people have asked me what  my work out  routine is. Should be: A few people have asked me what  my workout  routine is. NOTE: One-word workout is also used as an adjective as in â€Å"my workout routine.† One way to avoid the error is to look for words that precede the terms. The noun workout is often preceded by an article or an adjective: â€Å"the workout,† â€Å"my workout.† The verb is often used in its infinitive form, so the preceding to provides a useful clue. Here are some examples of other noun/adjective/verb combinations that are confused in this way: 1. turnout (noun) / turn out (verb) Big turn out  for launch of new play area Should be: Big turnout  for launch of new play area We had many parents turnout for the second high school informational meeting Should be: We had many parents turn out for the second high school informational meeting. 2. washout (noun) / wash out (verb) It is during this time that most  recruits washout. Should be: It is during this time that most  recruits wash out. Authorities concerned over wash out rate. Should be: Authorities concerned over washout rate. Three more such combos are: rollout/roll out, checkout/check out, and cutout /cut out. I’m sure you can think of more. Here’s a mnemonic written in pig propaganda style (Animal Farm) that may help: One word, Noun, Two words, Verb. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant Names50 Types of Propaganda45 Idioms with "Roll"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Public Health Proposal The WritePass Journal

Public Health Proposal Introduction Public Health Proposal ) showed that ethnicity is associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), a form of chronic respiratory disease, interestingly, the disease was seen less prevalent in people of Asian and African origin compared to White people. One reason behind this could be that in their study, White people were recorded to be active chain smokers compared to Asian and African people, which was the another major finding in their study. Thus, it still seems unclear what could be the major factor for high prevalence of respiratory disease in Newham where majority of people are of Asian and African origin and demands further study. Harriss and Salway (2008) suggested the social and economic consequences of long-term illnesses including cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, arthritis and mental disease for deprived groups and ethnic minority group. They suggested that these groups have the highest rates of long term illnesses, which further provides the rationale behind high rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory disease in Newham population. However, the finding was contradictory in a study by Pavalin (2007) who comparatively studied the socio-economic inequalities in health between Newham and UK. The study suggested that despite having higher prevalence of poor health and high service use, the relative effects of socio-economic inequalities to be similar to those in the UK, suggesting no major impact of socio-economic inequalities in the health of people living in Newham. Newham also has a high rate of communicable diseases. The rate of HIV infection in Newham is high (0.56%). This figure is significantly higher than in England (0.11%). Not surprisingly, 65% of infected are black Africans. Other infectious diseases including tuberculosis, measles, mumps, salmonella, hepatitis A and B are higher in Newham. Overall, the rate of communicable disease in Newham is found to be 124 per 100,000 (NHS Newham, 2011). Other health issues associated with obesity, smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity are also found to be high in Newham population (NHS Newham, 2011). Analysis After having reviewed the available literature and reports on Newham and its associated problems, the following data have been collected for analysis. Table 1 shows the comparative details of employment status of Newham residents in 2011-2012 Table 1: Employment status of Newham population, London and Great Britain (Aston-Mansfield’s report, 2013). % Newham London Great Britain Economically active 67.7 75.5 76.7 In employment 57.2 68.6 70.5 Employees 48.6 56.3 60.5 Self-employed 7.8 11.9 9.6 Unemployed (model-based) 13.7 8.9 7.9 The comparative data for life expectancy in Newham, London, England and UK population is shown in table 2. Table 2: Life expectancy comparison of Newham population with London, England and UK population (Aston-Mansfield’s report, 2013).    Female Life Expectancy Male Life Expectancy Newham 81.1 76.2 London 83.3 79.0 England 82.6 78.6 UK 82.3 78.2 Table 3 compares the occupations of Newham people with occupations of people in London and overall in Great Britain. Table 3: Occupations of people living in Newham, London and Great Britain (Aston-Mansfield’s report, 2013). %      Newham London Great Britain Soc 2010 major group 1-3 33.3 54.6 43.5 1 Managers, directors and senior officials 6.0 11.6 10.1 2 Professional occupations 18.5 24.8 19.1 3 Associate professional technical 8.5 17.9 14.0 Soc 2010 major group 4-5 24.5 18.1 21.9 4 Administrative secretarial 13.0 10.6 11.0 5 Skilled trades occupations 11.3 7.4 10.8 Soc 2010 major group 6-7 18.7 13.6 17.3 6 Caring, leisure and Other Service occupations 10.6 7.2 9.1 7 Sales and customer service occupations 7.9 6.3 8.1 Soc 2010 major group 8-9 23.5 13.7 17.4 8 Process plant machine operatives 5.7 4.5 6.4 9 Elementary occupations 17.6 9.1 10.9    The boroughs with the highest rates of premature death are all in the Inner East South   Lambeth,  Islington,  Hackney  and  Tower Hamlets  all have rates above 210 per 100,000. Newham stays on the sixth highest position in high premature death rate among all the boroughs (Trust for London and  New Policy Institute, 2010). Figure1: Comparison of premature death in different boroughs in UK    Recommendations It seems that health issues of Newham people are lot more serious compared to some other cities in the UK. Thus, individual issue needs to be addressed to minimize the mortality associated with poor health in Newham.   Furthermore, population growth, unemployment and poverty are some of the additional factors that have impacted on the health of Newham people. Government should create more job opportunities that will help to reduce the poverty and maintain a standard quality life.   Public health polices, plans and strategies need to be implemented to solve the major issues of premature death and infectious diseases. Some of these approaches could be encouraging people for routine vaccinations for major infectious diseases such as measles, tuberculosis and hepatitis. Moreover, to minimize the deaths associated with cardiovascular disease, people should be encouraged to quit smoking, eat healthy diet, perform daily physical exercise and advise ways to control diabetes and high blood pressure. REFERECNES Claydon, A, Richards, D.C and Hill, M. (2013).Article.  Living with diabetes: A qualitative review of minority ethnic groups in a deprived London borough.  17(3), 95-100. Harriss, K and Salway, S. (2008). Better Health Briefing 8.  Long-term ill health, poverty and ethnicity. Mathur, R, Hull, S.A, Badric, E, Robson, J. (2011). Research article.  Cardiovascular multimorbidity: the effect of ethnicity on prevalence and risk factor management.  61(586), 262-270. Mathur, R, Hull, S.A, Badric, E, Robson, J. (2012). Research.  Effect of ethnicity on the prevalence, severity, andmanagement of COPD in general practice. 76-81 NHS Newham, 2010. Joint strategic need assessment.The London Borough of Newham.Avalable at: Newham, London Local Economic Assessment 2010 to 20279, 2010. Newham London Regeneration panning and property directorate. Available at: Pevalin, D.J. (2007). Public health.  Socio-economic inequalities in health and service utilization in the London Borough of Newham.  121, 596-602 Punthakee, Z, Werstuck, G.H and Gerstein, H.C. (2007).Reviews in cardiovascular medicine.Diabetes and cardiovascular disease: explaining the relationship.  8(3), 145-153. Snell-Bergeon, J.K and Wadwa, R.P. (2012).Diabetes technology and therapeuitcs.  Hypoglycemia, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.  14(1), 51-58. The Londons Poverty Profile . 2012.  Premature death by borough. [ONLINE] Available [Accessed 01 December 13]. Walker, R, (2012). Diabetic medicine.  Introducing personalized care planning into Newham: outcomes of a pilot project.29(8), 1074-1078.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Speech Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Speech Class - Essay Example The smoke-free laws are based on the rationale that it is fundamental to protect people from the effects of second-hand smoke and such people run the risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, emphysema etc. The strong evidences of the link between passive smoking and lung cancer remind everyone about the importance of controls over smoking in public places. According to Michael Calnan, â€Å"Control over smoking in public places has become of increasing importance as a measure which governments might adopt, mainly because of the attention given to the increasingly strong evidence of a link between passive smoking and lung cancer than CHD. Certainly, it is a measure that might be favored by those who place great emphasis on the freedom of the individual and who are antagonistic towards more direct government intervention through fiscal policy or controls on tobacco promotion.† (Calnan, 56) Therefore, I strongly believe that smoking in public places must be checked by stro nger governmental intervention considering the facts that it is highly harmful for non-smokers, it causes pollution of the public places, and it is a strong case of violation against individual liberty. Smoking in public places should be prohibited, because such practices illustrate strong cases of violation against individual liberty, and the public smokers not only challenges the health issues of the people around, but also the basic freedom of human beings to live a healthy life. Whereas there are already strong oppositions against such practices, I feel there should be stronger activities to counter these practices of apparent violation of basic human rights. The regulatory activities to limit smoking in public places have been on a tide over the past few decades which include a variety of both public and private sector initiatives. â€Å"More recently, antismoking efforts have been fueled by growing evidence of adverse

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary for answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary for answer questions - Essay Example 2. By using an anecdote, it reduces the seriousness that the reader expects to find in the essay. It gives the reader a feel of calmness and that the writer is one that is not shy about using some humor. It prepares one for the rest of the story and that there may be some humor to the essay and the way in which it is propagated. The anecdote prepares a reader for a story that is far from the serious norm that people are used to and prepare them for an essay that has its own amount of comic relief. 3. Tanya Maria Barrientos is a native Spaniard. She is a child of parents that are purely of Spanish heritage and it is due to the fact that she loves her heritage that she would look to learn the Spanish; language. Furthermore, she is driven to learn it because it gives her a sense of feel because she will be at one with her ancestry. Learning her language is important to her based on the fact that it is the language that her parents speak on a daily basis to each other. 4. Barrientos’ use of various Spanish words without definitions and translations so as to show that she loves the language and that her stance on the language is one that is definite and genuine. Furthermore, her stance towards the Spanish language will slightly change if she was to use translations after the words. This is because; the reader is given a feel of how it is to use the language in a conversation of the sort. The use of a translation would have little to no effect on her feeling towards the language nut for a reader; the use of translations would dilute the effect of the essay. 5. Speaking and the languages that we speak are part of the lives and natures that we lead. Different people have different accents and it is the difference that makes us united. I as an individual do not have any particular accent. I believe that it sounds just the same as any other person. When I speak English, I believe that there is a

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4

Marketing - Essay Example Jurlique has been considered as an example for defining these parameters. It is one of the leading skincare brands of the Australia presently. The organization currently retails a varied range of more than 560 products that include skin care products, perfumes, hair care oils, facials as well as baby creams among others (Jurlique, 2013). Retail format The term, ‘retail format’ refers to the integrated supply chain system which is used by organisations to distribute the products to the ultimate customers. In today’s tumultuous business world, to achieve the desired success, retailers have to be abreast of the latest retail trends to get it imbibed in their retail format. Recognizing this global change, as per the report published by Australian Centre for Retail Studies (ACRC), innovation and compliance with customer needs can be regarded as the key attributes or success factors with respect to retail format where store locations as well as its decor play a vital ro le in persuading customers towards purchase (Australian Centre for Retail Studies, 2007). ... Source: Landini Associates (n.d.) In the current day scenario, market places are shaping as per global trend focusing on the profound changes in the modern retail sector. The locations of the retail stores thus become a vital parameter to attain the attention of the targeted consumers. Notably, when assessing the location strategies of Jurlique, it can be observed that the polices of the organization principally focuses on the types as well as size of the store, merchandising applications, merchandise mix as well as customer service providing methods among others (Jurlique, 2013). Effective segmentation of the product also helps to identify the target market needs and therefore avail the organisation with an opportunity to obtain greater customer loyalty (Mendes & Themido, 2004). In the context, the strategies applied by Jurlique when selecting its retail store locations can be identified to be focused on the traffic flow and accessibility of the outlets which helps to increase the a wareness of the consumers regarding the brand as well as the products. To be specific, Jurlique has been operating its stores in various locations in Australia including the Bondi Beach and many other crowded, metropolitan cities of New South Wales, Glenside and many other shopping hubs in South Australia as well as Melverne East and Melbourne in Victoria among others (Jurlique, 2013). Assessing the economic conditions and geographic potentialities of these stores it can be observed that these areas have deciphered significant growth in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Ai Group Economics and Research Team, 2013). Not only customers, but such

The children of King Tutankhamun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The children of King Tutankhamun - Essay Example The two mummies are suspected to be his still born children of Tutankhamun, DNA testing is currently being undertaken by the Supreme Council of Antiquities in collaboration with the Cairo University‘s Faculty of Medicine. In ancient Egypt, a pharaoh’s family was buried in a tomb, which essential was similar as Pharaoh’s tomb (David 60). The mummified bodies discovered in the tomb were accorded the respect that the ancient Egyptian had on the dead. The Egyptians respected the gods and worshiped then sometimes even praying to the m for children. They thus saw children as pure and blessings from the gods. They were buried alongside their belongings with the belief that they would require them in their next life. Some people also believe that the pharaoh was buried, alongside these children for him, to start life as a newborn in the new life where they believed that he was headed (Fleming & Alan 57). The objects symbolize the children of the pharaoh; they tell us much about the Egyptian history. The way people lived and related with one another in that community. By the study of these mummies, then the scientists have been able top uncover much about the pharaoh’s life (Fleming & Alan 56). The two mummified bodies do not represent any gods; the gods could be represented by something else found in the tomb. It is believed that the ancient Egyptian did not use people as symbols to represent their gods. However, they did use certain objects like images of the gods casted in gold (David 67). In ancient Egypt, if the pharaoh’s children died at a tender age, then they were supposed to be buried beside their father in his tomb. This is what is suspected to have happened to the children of Tutankhamun. Studies by the archaeologists show that the two children might have been twins who died at a birth. They had several defects that might have caused their deaths (Zaki 67). The children were buried with the pharaoh in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

See below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

See below - Essay Example The active participation of the legislature started from the (DPP v Myers, 1965 AC 1001) case, where the House of Lords, stated, that the no uniform principles were being followed, in the current scenario and the future determination of exceptions to hearsay should be left to the legislature. At the very onset, we should state that the Dictionary defines, ‘hearsay’ as ‘second-hand information’. Speaking in legal terms, Hearsay refers to the testimony given by a witness not about what they personally saw or heard but about something, someone else saw or said they heard. In legal cases, the use of hearsay has been resorted to include evidence that under other circumstances would not have been admissible in court. However at all times it must be borne in mind that Hearsay must not include, any form of gossip or rumours. To state it in a more simple form, hearsay is according to Sir Auld, â€Å" an assertion other than one made by a person while giving oral evidence in the proceedings as evidence as any fact asserted.† However, Hearsay is an exclusionary rule of Evidence Law albeit subject to a multitude of statutory and Common Law exceptions. Tracing the origin of the concept of ‘hearsay’ leads us to the trial of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1603 where wrongful judgement passed, based on hearsay evidence. It was this wrongful judgement that led the English Jurists to devise hard and fast rules with reference to hearsay evidence. Subsequently, all hearsay evidence was banned on the pretext that they were the admissions of a third party to whom neither the defendant nor the prosecution were privy to. It is obvious that the hearsay rule is intricately interwoven with the concepts of â€Å"truth† and â€Å"proof† and with the credibility, reliability and the memory of the witness in question. Hearsay contains within its womb a very high degree of implication and this implication weighs very heavily on the minds of the jury before they deliver a verdict.

Company analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Company analysis - Research Paper Example It is a holding company. The company is a supplier of communications, entertainment, and information services and products to customers, government agencies, and businesses. It functions in two most important segments: Wireline and Verizon Wireless. Verizon Wireless Communications services and products consist of data services, equipment sales, and wireless voice over all United States (Verizon). The services and products of Wireline include internet access, voice, long distance, broadband video and data, network access, Internet protocol network services, and various other services. The company gives these services and products to consumers of United States, as well as to businesses, carriers, and government consumers in both America and all its one fifty countries globally. Verizon Communications Inc. attained HUGHES Telematics Inc. as well. The long-term source of Verizon value is central role we usually play in industry fundamental to global economy and extremely embedded in cust omers’ lives. Even though it’s the iconic products that enhance people’s creative strategies, and lives that release new markets and develop technological access. The associations that endorse initiatives or innovation apply technology to imperative social issues. Verizon is standard-bearer for industry and organizer in giving advantages of our authorizing technology to the global (Verizon). Verizon Communications Inc. ranked number one in industry list of World Most Admired Companies in 2012 Fortune magazine. For Verizon Communications Inc, the philanthropic and technological resources to attend to world’s unmet environmental and social needs are the first priority. In this procedure, the social innovation that will release new markets, reinforce growth and grow Verizon’s important role in digital world. Verizon Wireless was founded in 2000 as a mutual venture of Verizon Communications and also Vodafone. It is an inventive wireless communications corporation that links businesses and people with innovative wireless technology and also available service (Verizon). Vodafone is also an innovation of Verizon Communications Inc. It is the biggest mobile telecommunications giver in Western hemisphere and accounts for 45% possession of the Verizon Wireless. Vodafone provides services in thirty countries and networks in more than fifty more. The mission statement of Verizon Inc is As follows: "As a leader in communications, Verizon's mission is to enable people and businesses to communicate with each other. We are also committed to providing full and open communication with our customers, employees and investors." (Verizon). â€Å"Vision statement of Verizon Communications Inc is, â€Å"Win customers by building wireless, broadband and global IP networks and delivering the innovative products, services, applications and content that transforms lives and empowers businesses and communities.† (Verizon). Strategic Imperatives A t Verizon Communications Inc, the power of technology is used to resolve the impediments any company may face. The Strategic Imperatives are to increase the revenue, customer retention and growth, give bundle services of Television, data, and voice and takes share from the competition. Verizon exploit the weaknesses of cable, outperforms cable on service of customers, give best customer service, and also provided flexibility of installation. Verizon believes in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The children of King Tutankhamun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The children of King Tutankhamun - Essay Example The two mummies are suspected to be his still born children of Tutankhamun, DNA testing is currently being undertaken by the Supreme Council of Antiquities in collaboration with the Cairo University‘s Faculty of Medicine. In ancient Egypt, a pharaoh’s family was buried in a tomb, which essential was similar as Pharaoh’s tomb (David 60). The mummified bodies discovered in the tomb were accorded the respect that the ancient Egyptian had on the dead. The Egyptians respected the gods and worshiped then sometimes even praying to the m for children. They thus saw children as pure and blessings from the gods. They were buried alongside their belongings with the belief that they would require them in their next life. Some people also believe that the pharaoh was buried, alongside these children for him, to start life as a newborn in the new life where they believed that he was headed (Fleming & Alan 57). The objects symbolize the children of the pharaoh; they tell us much about the Egyptian history. The way people lived and related with one another in that community. By the study of these mummies, then the scientists have been able top uncover much about the pharaoh’s life (Fleming & Alan 56). The two mummified bodies do not represent any gods; the gods could be represented by something else found in the tomb. It is believed that the ancient Egyptian did not use people as symbols to represent their gods. However, they did use certain objects like images of the gods casted in gold (David 67). In ancient Egypt, if the pharaoh’s children died at a tender age, then they were supposed to be buried beside their father in his tomb. This is what is suspected to have happened to the children of Tutankhamun. Studies by the archaeologists show that the two children might have been twins who died at a birth. They had several defects that might have caused their deaths (Zaki 67). The children were buried with the pharaoh in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Company analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Company analysis - Research Paper Example It is a holding company. The company is a supplier of communications, entertainment, and information services and products to customers, government agencies, and businesses. It functions in two most important segments: Wireline and Verizon Wireless. Verizon Wireless Communications services and products consist of data services, equipment sales, and wireless voice over all United States (Verizon). The services and products of Wireline include internet access, voice, long distance, broadband video and data, network access, Internet protocol network services, and various other services. The company gives these services and products to consumers of United States, as well as to businesses, carriers, and government consumers in both America and all its one fifty countries globally. Verizon Communications Inc. attained HUGHES Telematics Inc. as well. The long-term source of Verizon value is central role we usually play in industry fundamental to global economy and extremely embedded in cust omers’ lives. Even though it’s the iconic products that enhance people’s creative strategies, and lives that release new markets and develop technological access. The associations that endorse initiatives or innovation apply technology to imperative social issues. Verizon is standard-bearer for industry and organizer in giving advantages of our authorizing technology to the global (Verizon). Verizon Communications Inc. ranked number one in industry list of World Most Admired Companies in 2012 Fortune magazine. For Verizon Communications Inc, the philanthropic and technological resources to attend to world’s unmet environmental and social needs are the first priority. In this procedure, the social innovation that will release new markets, reinforce growth and grow Verizon’s important role in digital world. Verizon Wireless was founded in 2000 as a mutual venture of Verizon Communications and also Vodafone. It is an inventive wireless communications corporation that links businesses and people with innovative wireless technology and also available service (Verizon). Vodafone is also an innovation of Verizon Communications Inc. It is the biggest mobile telecommunications giver in Western hemisphere and accounts for 45% possession of the Verizon Wireless. Vodafone provides services in thirty countries and networks in more than fifty more. The mission statement of Verizon Inc is As follows: "As a leader in communications, Verizon's mission is to enable people and businesses to communicate with each other. We are also committed to providing full and open communication with our customers, employees and investors." (Verizon). â€Å"Vision statement of Verizon Communications Inc is, â€Å"Win customers by building wireless, broadband and global IP networks and delivering the innovative products, services, applications and content that transforms lives and empowers businesses and communities.† (Verizon). Strategic Imperatives A t Verizon Communications Inc, the power of technology is used to resolve the impediments any company may face. The Strategic Imperatives are to increase the revenue, customer retention and growth, give bundle services of Television, data, and voice and takes share from the competition. Verizon exploit the weaknesses of cable, outperforms cable on service of customers, give best customer service, and also provided flexibility of installation. Verizon believes in

Supportive Learning Environment Essay Example for Free

Supportive Learning Environment Essay Explain how to establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment 7.3.1. Explain how to establish ground rules with learner’s to promote respect for each other. 9.3.2. Explain how to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others. 7.3.2. When considering teaching in Further education, I assumed that managing behaviour and having to establish ‘ground rules’ had been left at the school gates, amidst an onslaught of eggs, signed uniforms and flour. Of course, having had a little experience, I now feel that students in F. E are the most diverse group to teach anywhere in education and with that, equally diverse in terms of behaviour and motivation. In order to establish and instigate ground rules in the first instance, basic rules should be agreed upon from the very start. For example; Mobile phones on silent, no talking while others are speaking and no eating during the lesson. Other rules can be applied as the course progresses. The establishment’s policies and procedures should be observed as a group, as this ensures everybody is aware of them. Observing behaviour, listening to what the students have to say and talking to them in an open forum leads the way to further establishing an agreeable environment in which to learn. Rules can be updated in this way and enable change to be considered depending on how the class develops. In order to remind learners of these mutually agreed guidelines, it is a good idea to display them in the room to refer students to if and when they are breached. Creating a ‘safe’ environment is integral to learning. Disruption, noise, lack of direction, bullying and aggressive styles are not conducive, so it is important in my role to develop good practise in dealing with challenging behaviour and promoting a positive, respectful atmosphere. Once more is known about the students, writing learning objectives for the session and stating what the students will be able to do at the end of the lesson could go somewhere towards promoting expectations and creating order within the room, another point at which to refer to if needed to keep learners on task. A supportive learning environment should be purposeful and task orientated, where the tutor emphasises the need to progress steadily. This can be done by starting lessons promptly, creating a smooth flow to the lesson, involving pupils and monitoring their progression and organisation. A positive effort should be made to ensure pupils have or build on self-respect and esteem by setti ng realistic opportunities for success and helpful support and encouragement whenever difficulties arise. A sense of order within the class can be managed by presenting lessons effectively and establishing positive relationships with pupils- based on mutual respect and rapport. I will, as a tutor, have to develop skills in managing behaviour and use a variety of tactics in order to develop an understanding of students individually and as a group. Hopefully, I will be able to combine that with the correct approach to planning, my approach, the resources to use in order to deal with barriers learners may have adopted towards learning and to maintain a good level of motivation. I believe in creating a relaxed, warm and supportive atmosphere in a group, as in my experience I have found that it creates a positive environment and suits my style when interacting with and enabling others. (Kyriacou, C.1998:65) writes- with regard to this particular style- ‘This better enables pupils to develop curiosity and interest in the learning activities’ However, this may lead to pupils relyin g on help, so it is important to establish and implement boundaries so that the learners initiative and motivation isn’t compromised. Giving feedback in a supportive way can help to encourage students to use study skills by highlighting how making notes or paying attention more closely can better equip them in meeting the demands of the program. Of course, I am aware that not everybody will want to interact fully within the group in this way and some would rather things were direct and less ‘fluffy’. I myself like to find a quiet place during a break and spend time alone. Sometimes I want to stay where I am seated and not move around to sit with other people. In general, promoting this environment and leading by example will in effect have a positive impact on the group. In my previous journal from week one, I wrote about how I try to include pupils who have low confidence in group discussions or activities with other more confident members of the class. In the same way, I also like to try and mix motivated pupils with those who may be struggling to find motivation. In an attempt to understand motivati on and what motivates I have considered Abraham Maslow’s (1987) Hierarchy of Needs in which he describes a series of stages towards achieving ones potential or ‘self-actualisation’. The stages are set as a pyramid with the most basic human need at the base and self-actualisation at the top. The base describes physiology which incorporates basic needs such as food and sleep begging the question, ‘Are the students tired or hungry?’ Safety describes the need for security. I must ask myself, ‘Is the environment safe? Are the students feeling secure and happy? Are they confident in my ability?’ Love and belonging, referring to a need we have as humans to be valued and needed. Looking at this I will need to ensure that all of the students feel included and that they are being respected by the rest of the group. I must ensure that I am using an inclusive approach in teaching. Esteem ‘building this through achievement and by being acknowledged by others’. It will be important to monitor development and ensure growth in confidence through peer support and recognition. Finally, Self-actualisation- the desire to reach what is perceived to be ones ‘full potential’ asking ‘Is there an individual and shared sense of achievement?’ and ‘Are the students operating with initiative, creativeness and independence?’ As a tutor, I will be expected to lead by example in modelling desired behaviour. Not only is it important to treat students with respect, it is important to treat other members of staff and outside agencies in the same way. I have experienced negativity from one staff member towards another member of staff where it was obvious-through body language and facial expressions- that there was a conflict. This impacted negatively on the class, as the students noticed what was going on. As a result, the students ostracised one staff member and took sides. This caused a very difficult atmosphere to work in and the ‘disliked’ member of staff was ignored and treated unfairly. This highlighted the importance of professionalism to me and whenever I have to work alongside people I may not always see eye-to-eye with, I must remain impartial in my views and ensure I keep thoughts and facial gestures very much to myself. References: Kyriacou, Chris (1998) Essential Teaching Skills. Second edition.London. Basil Blackwell LTD

Monday, October 14, 2019

Service Delivery And Service Recovery Strategy Tourism Essay

Service Delivery And Service Recovery Strategy Tourism Essay Expectation is one of the most important thing related directly to the guest that the hotel has to know in order to be able to provide the service that fulfill the needs and desire of the guest. Its the key to know whats the hotel has to provide in order to make the guest feel satisfy. Before experiencing the service, each guest must have their own expectation. As what Pizam and Ellis had discussed in their research, the meaning of expectation can be describe as a mutable internal standard which is based on a multitude of factors including needs, objectives, past personal or vicarious experiences with the same establishment restaurant, with similar establishments, and the availability of alternatives. Besides on past personal experience and other factors have been mentioned, the expectation of the guest can also be based on whats the hotel had been promised to the guest. Not only that, another factor such as advertisement which is based on external communication can affect the expectation of the guest. For example, the guest who is looking for five star hotels for the accommodation during their holiday will search some particular hotels through the website, brochure, etc. If the advertisement of that particular hotel is very attractive and the physical of the hotel looks luxury and interested, most probably it will build higher expectation to the guest. Halstead (1994) also stated that the guest who, didnt have any experience before they go to one particular hotel, will rely on external source of information. H1: Good advertising could probably affect and increase the expectation made by the guest. Moreover, through the research made by Getty and Thomson in 1994, it is known that the expectation should be elicited prior to the service being provided; otherwise it will be influenced by perceptions of the actual service being provided.For instance, the guest may change her expectations during the service encounter and use those changes (perhaps more realistic) expectations as the standard of comparison. Many researchers support that statement because some think that the information that the guest receive during the current service will affect the expectation they have made before the service experience. Halstead (1993) found that expectations that are measured after service experience was higher for dissatisfy customers than for satisfy customers. On the other side, the guest, who has little or no experience of product and service before, will generate little information that leads to lower expectation made on the first time they experience the service. For instance, the guest who has never been stayed in five star hotel will have lower expectation about the five star hotel they are about to stay. This happened because the guest doesnt know whatare the products and service offered by the five star hotel, the guest just has little information that might be gotten from the advertisement they have seen before. Though there are differentiations for both the factors influence expectation and the times the guest makes their expectation, but normally the expectation of the guest can be grouped as several parts. As written in the research made by Lewis and McCann (2004), they classifying the expectations that based on what the guest expect from three or four star hotels. Below are the results of the ranking both business and leisure guests expect through their staying in three or four star hotels: Clean, comfortable bedrooms with all items in working order. Good quality food and beverages. Friendly, helpful, polite and efficient staff. High level of room security. Speedy, efficient check-in and out. The data above was made in the research made by Dolnicar (2002) to show that most of people expect to have clean room (including bathroom). Meaning to say that the guestwho are staying in three or four star hotel are more concern to the cleanliness of the hotel. Even the data was obtained through the questionnaire; it can change according to how many star of the hotel. Besides, she had completed her data with the expectation from the business travelers hotel expectation by hotel star category. The data is shown below. */** *** **** ***** Good food 8.0% 10.0% 5.6% 3.7% TV 5.3% 6.0% 2.1% 0.0% Good service 1.3% 4.0% 2.6% 4.9% Good location 2.7% 3.0% 2.1% 4.9% Staff 2.7% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% Good value for money 5.3% 1.5% 3.1% 0.0% Pleasant atmosphere 0.0% 1.5% 3.6% 3.7% Large room 0.0% 1.5% 3.1% 3.7% Toilet 1.3% 1.5% 0.0% 0.0% Cheap 1.3% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% Shower 9.3% 1.0% 1.5% 1.2% Internet 0.0% 1.0% 1.5% 2.5% High quality 0.0% 0.5% 1.5% 2.5% Food 6.7% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% Comfortable bed 2.7% 0.0% 1.0% 1.2% Comfort 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 3.7% It is shown in the data above that the expectation from business travelers hotel expectation is different according to the star of the hotel theyve been staying at. Both of the data above broaden the factors influence expectation of the guest; star of the hotel and type of the guest are also influence the expectation made by guest. Jonathan D. Barsky also stated that the perception of product or service performance will influence the response made by guest if it combines with the expectation or pre-experience standard. When the guest has no pre-experience standards or expectation, the response of the guest will directly reveal their perception of the product or service experience without being affected by their expectation. Satisfaction In hospitality industry, the guest will evaluate more on its service than its product. Quality of service becomes the most important things that the guest will experience and give their valuation through. Since every guest wish to perceive the best service or in the other word; excellent service, hotel has to make efforts in giving them what they wish. The meaning of the excellent service is given in the research made by Berry, Parasuraman, and Zeithami which is a profit strategy because it results in more new customers, more business with existing customers, fewer lost customers, more insulation from price competition, and fewer mistakes requiring the re-performance of services (1994, pg. 32 Vol 8. No. 2). It is clearly said that through the excellent service, hotel will increase their customer and decrease the lost of the customer. In other words, if hotel gives excellent service to the guest, it will result in having more profit for the hotel itself.However, excellent service will lead to satisfaction of the guest which will cause in the increasing of guests loyalty. When it comes to satisfaction, every guest who feels satisfy with the service given will disposed to be loyal to the hotel. So, it can be said that the satisfaction the hotel wants to obtain from the guest is to gain the loyalty from them.It was said by Jones and Sasser (1995) that increased customer loyalty is a critical driver of a firms long-term financial performance. Besides, the guests who feel dissatisfied with the hotel will reduce loyalty and the reputation of the hotel through the action they may do after experienced service failure. Therefore, satisfaction is the goal that the hotel wants to achieve. The meaning of customer satisfaction had been written in the article as a psychological concept that involves the feeling of well-being and pleasure that results from obtaining what one hopes for and expects from an appealing product and/or service (WTO, 1985). Through this definition, it is known that satisfaction can be obtained by fulfilling guests hopes and expectation. Furthermore, satisfaction is not a definite thing that will go constantly the same; each person will perceive different level of satisfaction even when they are in the same hospitality experience. The reason behind it is that each guest has their own needs, objectives, and past experience that will affect their expectations. Based on this statement, its very important for the hotel to know how to measure customer satisfaction. Of course, the reason for measuring customer satisfaction has to be clear in order to get the right information from the guest. According to Naumann (1995), five objectives that are the reasons the hotel measures customer satisfaction are: To get close to the customer It was well explained that the hotel has not only just know but also understand the most important attributes to customer, why those attributes affects customers decision making, the importance of those attributes, and get a feedback of how well the hotel perform to deliver each attribute. Measure continuous improvement The attributes that are necessary for the customer are linked directly to value added processes in the firm and are put into a form consistent with the internal measurements used to evaluate the process. To achieve customer driven improvement Not all customers are from the same source of valuable innovation. This will need creation of a comprehensive database that not only tracks sales, but sources of innovations. To measure competitive strengths and weaknesses Perceptions of the customer will be determined by the competitive choices. This is achieved through the possible survey and future customers as well as current and past customers. To link customer satisfaction measurement data to internal systems (Naumann, 1995, pp.22-7). Knowing that satisfaction is very important to be learned in the industry especially service industry such as hospitality industry, there have been research discussed about this topic. There have been nine distinct that researchers developed about the theories of customer satisfaction. The nine theories include: expectancy disconfirmation, assimilation or cognitive dissonance, contrast, assimilation-contrast, equity, attribution, comparison-level, generalized negativity, and value-precept (Oh and Parks, 1997). Based on expectancy disconfirmation theory, satisfaction is caused by confirmation or positive disconfirmation of consumer expectations, and dissatisfaction is caused by negative disconfirmation of consumer expectations. (Pizam and Ellis, 1999). When the outcomes received by the guest are different from what the guest have been expected, negative disconfirmation occurs. According to the research made by Yuksel (2001), there is positive disconfirmation when the service performance is better than what the guest had been expected before which lead to the satisfaction of the guest. When service performance is the same as the guests expectation, there is a confirmation which still leads to the satisfaction of the guest. Moreover, the guest will feel dissatisfy when the service performance is not good as what the guest had been expected which there will be a negative disconfirmation occurs. At the time the guest feel dissatisfy, it means that the need and wants of the guest cant be fulfilled by the hotel. Even though the satisfaction of the guest depends on the service performance and the expectation, minimum tolerable level also give impact to the satisfaction of the guest. Minimum tolerable level is the situation where the guest still can accept the failure that the hotel made. According to Yuksel (2011), depending on the situation, some of the guests will still feel satisfy when the service performance falls short of their predictive expectation but above the minimum tolerable level. Each person has different minimum tolerable level as they have different expectation. Basically, this minimum tolerable level cant be predicted and measured, so the hotel cant provide the service based on this minimum tolerable level just to prevent the guest feel dissatisfied. H2: When the hotel cant meet the high expectation made by guest, they will still feel satisfy if the service meets their minimum tolerable level. According to Pizam (1999), Dissatisfiers were more likely to earn a complaint for low performance or absence of a desired feature than anything else. But an operation that exceeds the threshold performance standard apparently will not receive compliments on the attributes. Meaning to say, the guest can be easily feel dissatisfy of the failures or the small things that not happened smoothly but will be very hard to appreciate the higher performance level achieved by the hotel. For example, the guest will easily feel dissatisfy when they expect the bathroom was clean but they found a rubbish near the basin. However, the guest will not be easily impressed when they expect the room was clean and the hotel provide more than that with decorating the room with a flower. Service Recovery Service Recovery was made because its impossible to give a maintain service that will never change nor have a mistake. In order to compete with other industries, each has to improve their performance all the time. Not only creating new stuff, products, or refurbished the building but also improving the service. Unfortunately, even there is a significant improvement, mistakes and failures will always be made since theres no so called perfect service.Through this realized condition, hotel creates recovery service to obtain positive response from the guest. Service recovery involves those actions designed to resolve problems, alter negative attitudes of dissatisfied customers and to ultimately retain these customers (Miller et al., 2000, p.38), and it includes situations in which a service failure occurs but no complaint is lodged by the customers (Smith et al., 1999, p. 359). There are always the strategies made before doing the recovery of the service. According to Lewis and McCann (2004), service recovery strategies are the actions that services providers take, in response to defects or failures, comprise a combination of psychological recoveries and tangible efforts. In addition, service recovery strategy is made to avoid bad response showed by the guest after theyve experienced service failure. When the guest experienced service failure, they may switch their option and move to the competitors, make a complaint that will give bad impact for the hotel if they speak out in public media, and the worst thing; they may use negative words to share about the bad experienced theyve had. As word of mouth is one of the media that works fast among people, negative words shared by the guest can influence hotels profit and reputation.There have been many researches stated that dissatisfied customers might tell ten to twenty people about their bad experience with their colleagues (Zemke, 1999). In order to decrease dissatisfactionthat lead to the negative consequences for hotel, some strategies have to be performed to the guest that experienced service failure as the recovery. H3: Service recovery strategy will prevent the hotel from the negativeopinion shared by the guest who had experienced service failures. At the first time the guest chose the place to stay, they have made their expectation and when the guest dont get what they have been expected or the quality that they evaluate is very poor, the guest will feel dissatisfy. After feel dissatisfy, the guest will either make a complaint or give their feedback to the hotel. From those situations, then only the hotel know that theres some failures occur.Sundaram, Jurowski, and Webster (1997) had mentioned in their research that Dissatisfied customers expect that service failures will be recovered when they complain. Moreover, there are five broad service dimensions that the guests use to evaluate or judge the service quality. The five dimensions are: RELIABILITY : The ability to perform the promised service dependably (32%) and accurately. RESPONSIVENESS : The willingness to help customers and provide prompt (22%) service. ASSURANCE : The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their (19%) ability to convey trust and confidence. EMPHATY : The caring, individualized attention provided to (16%) customers. TANGIBLES : The appearance of physical facilities, equipment, (11%)personnel, and communication materials. Those five broad service dimensions will affect to the evaluation made by the guest. Once one of the dimensions cant be fulfilled by the hotel, the evaluation from the guest through the hotel will decrease and vice versa. As human being, we will absolutely make a mistake. Thats why the service which is done by the staff will never be constantly perfect. Its a common thing for a hotel to do some failures to the guest. However, when some failure occurs, the hotel will definitely do the recovery to enhance customer satisfaction, build customer relationship, and keep the loyalty of their guest. Service recovery strategy is described by Gronroos (1988) in their research as the actions that hotels take in response to defects or failures. The action of recovery strategy is done with the range of doing nothing to do some efforts to fix the problems or the failures occur. A lot of researchers have made the research connecting with service recovery strategies theme. The summary of the research, about the strategies the hotel do after the failures occur, made by Bitner et al. (1990), Kelley et al. (1993), Johnston (1994), Hoffman et al., (1995), Tax et al. (1998), Miller et al. (2000) and Lewis and Spyrakopoulos (2001), generate the result that the strategies may be classified as : Apology; Corrections; Empathy; Compensation; Follow-up; Acknowledgement; Explanation; Exceptional Treatment; and Managerial Intervention. Apology is a basic strategy the hotel does after some failures occur. The moment the hotel does some failures, the first action to be taken is to apologize to the guest. When apologize is compulsory to be implemented as a service recovery strategy, the other action needs to be done according to the failures made by the hotel. Berry, Parasuraman, and Zeithaml (1994) stated that even though the guests appreciate an apology, the apology will not make the guest forget the memory about the service failure happened. That makes the other recovery strategy was made to be fit in the type of failures. Even though some strategies may need to be done at the same time, some may not need to be done at all. For example; compensation will not necessary be donewhen the failure occurs is just the small failure such as mention the name of the guest wrongly. Effectiveness After service failure occurred, hotel will give the prompt service recovery strategy that match the failure and the guest will react according to what theyve received. The response of the guest will determine whether the service recovery strategy is effective. Meaning to say, the effectiveness of service recovery strategy can be measured with seeing guests response. When the guest feel satisfy with the service recovery strategy given by the hotel, it means the service recovery given was effective. Dissatisfaction of the service recovery given by the hotel is evidence that the service recovery was not effective. The guest who feel satisfy with the service recovery strategy offered will forget about the failure and may increase their satisfaction level after dissatisfaction occurred. In contrast, when the service recovery offered didnt match what the guests expected, they will feel dissatisfy and may not be loyal to that particular hotel.Other than that, Tax et al. (1998) had mentioned in his research that even though a customer may be satisfied with the type of service recovery strategies offered, the recovery evaluation might be poor because of the process endured to obtain the recovery outcome. So, the process how the hotel delivers the service recovery will affect the overall satisfaction of the guest. However, the service recovery strategies given by the hotel will be affected by some factors. Each strategy may give different result for different people. A man who has been travelling for 2 years will have different expectation and will have different result in receiving service recovery strategy than a man who has never been for travelling. Many researches about the effectiveness of recovery strategy were built upon this kind of situation. Further, factors that influence the type and effectiveness of service recovery strategies are : The service (e.g. Mattila, 2001); Purpose of purchase (e.g. McDougall and Levesque, 1999); The failure (e.g. Smith, 1999); The magnitude of the failure (Kelley et al., 1993; Smith et al., 1999; Michel, 2001; Mattila, 2001); Previous experience with an organization (e.g. Tax et al., 1998); and Service recovery expectations (e.g. Miller et al., 2000). When the hotel offered one of service recovery strategies, they have to choose the right strategy that can possibly increase guests satisfaction. Magnitude of the failure will definitely affect the type and effectiveness of service recovery strategy. For example; hotel has made the failure throughthe bad temperature of the food given to the guest. Since it was a small failure, the recovery strategy given will be different from the time the hotel did big failure such as; the room where the guest stayed wasnt clean. According to Zemke (1999), only the guest themselves who can describe and tell how annoying is a particular service failure has been. Miller et al., (2000) stated that if the failures made by hotel are very serious, it will later require more drastic reparation. That will make service organization need to train more of their front-line employees so they can be able to handle the guests complaint and asses their situation correctly. Moreover, service recovery expectation also gives big impact on the effectiveness of recovery strategy. Kelley and Davis (1994) found that the guest who rated highly for the service quality will mainly have higher expectation on service recovery strategy. It can be understood by the guest to have a better service recovery on five star hotel that to have service recovery by four star hotel. In other way, it can be said that the quality of the hotel will surely affect the expectation of the recovery strategy. It is stated by Hart, Heskett, and Sasser (1990) that the main reason of the guest dissatisfaction is the problem resolution which cant satisfy the guest and up to 50% of the guest who experience service failure not feel satisfy with the recovery strategy (Best and Andreasen, 1976; Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman, 1990). Based on this situation, hotel has to follow up the guest to make sure that the service recovery they have made was successfully increasing the satisfaction of the guest. After the hotel has given the recovery strategy to the guest, they will not know the response of the guest until they follow up their guest and receive their evaluations. Giving the service recovery to the guest for the first time when the hotel made some failures will not always give the same result on the guest for the second time. When the first time the hotel made mistakes, some guests can be offered the minimum service recovery strategies or another service recovery strategy depends on the failures made by the hotel. That can reduce dissatisfaction of the guest, but it will give different result on the second, third, and on the next arrival. On the second arrival, the guest may not be able to accept the same way of service recovery strategy theyve ever offered. With the same recovery strategy given by the hotel on the second time with the same service failures experienced, the guest may not feel satisfy.Thats why, the evaluation and feedback is needed to know the guests response. Of course there will be more advantages on hotel when they can successfully give service recovery strategy that match the failure theyve made. First, they can get loyalty from the guest. Loyal customers are those who continue to stick with an unsatisfying product/seller with the hope that things will soon improve (Boshoff, 1997; Hirschman, 1970). When the guest feel satisfy with the service perceived, they will be loyal to the hotel and willing to come for another time. Loyalty of the guest will directly impact the profit of the hotel. It will lead to the increasing of the profit of hotel. Besides the loyalty and profitability, the effective recovery strategy can prevent the spread of negative word of mouth that is believed to be the most important post-purchase behavior. Service entities could increase their profits up to 85% by reducing the customer defection rate by 5% (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990).It has been proved that word of mouth has an effective power in spreading their opinion as a free advertisement tools. So, if hotel make the guest satisfy, the advertisement via word of mouth will be very useful to be used for spreading good advertisement. In the other way, if the hotel make the guest dissatisfy, the advertisement via word of mouth will not be useful anymore. It will even give bad impact to the hotel and may decrease the profit of the hotel. The last thing, when the hotel can handle the complaint of the guest and give the best service strategy match with the failure was made, they can build the trust from the guest. Moorman, Deshpande, and Zaltman (1993) defined trust as the willingness to rely on an exchange partner in whom one has confidence (p. 315). The moment the guest trusts the hotel, the guest will willing to come again to the same hotel. The trust built by making the guest satisfy can also make the guest increase their minimum tolerable level. Both loyalty and trust will give long term benefit for the hotel. Basically, when the hotel had successfully build trust in the guest, loyalty will directly follow. As the guest has trust the hotel, they will be loyal to that particular hotel. They will feel safe and comfortable with the hotel because they have trusted that the hotel will do their best to provide and deliver the best service. It is proved by Gilly (1987) that the guests who experience the service failure and did complainthen feel satisfy with the service recovery given, have higher repurchase intention than the guest who already satisfied with the service and did not complain. H4 : Guest expectation will be higher after he experienced service failure and offered recovery strategy.